I wrote about this guy before in
Positively Fourth Street, ending that post, "Call me a negative unhappy pessimist, but fuck you, Marty." Was that nice? Was it fair? You can decide for yourself after listening to this huckster's pitch for his $9.95 per month
web subscription on "positive psychology." I just sent him a lot more than that by buying a small truckload of books on this fast-emerging new-paradigm hot-shit breakthrough "science." So plan to hear more from me about all that real soon. Remember: my
negative psychology interventions are only $0.00 per month -- and you can cancel at any time. I wish I could also afford a subscription to the closely related
Journal of Happiness Studies (!!!) so I could pee in
their soup, too.
Marty? Are you listening, baby? As Jimi once said (in a slightly different context), "I'm comin' ta getcha!"
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