that old green phosphor feel
Schauberger and his son lived in the United States for a short time after the war, where he was reported to be working on a top secret UFO project in Texas for the US Government. Reports of Aryan looking saucer pilots are many. Long haired blond folks that speak German. It is interesting to note that the so-called "venusian" saucer design of contactees all look like German saucer designs. The Thule Society is still alive in the minds of neo-Nazi (Fourth Reich) occultists. There is a booklet going around that reports to be the secret log of Admiral Richard Byrd. In 1978, copies were sent out by the Hollow Earth Research Society in Ontario, Canada. Ivan Boyes, its director, claims that "after the war, the allies discovered that over 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had vanished along with almost a million people to the Land beyond the pole. This is apparently what Admiral Byrd's expedition was all about. To hunt them down. The domain of the Arianni. The "Flugelrads" (wingwheels) were noted in the secret log as being sent to the surface world to investigate the first nuclear explosions. These were the model T's of the German saucer design. Do we have a myth in the making? So ... Admiral Byrd goes back and tells the Pentagon and the President what he has seen. They order him to be silent. It seems that the inner earth cavern civilizations and the lands inside the earth have been a part of the occult/military secret for a long time. |
- later note: If you want to check out the amazing -- and hugely amusing -- range of Hollow Earth literature, click over to this excellent listmania list by an Amazon reader: Hollow Earth **Madness** -- and while you're there, vote that puppy up!
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