the unlikely story of how America slipped the surly bonds of earth & came to
believe in signs & portents that would make the middle ages blush
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I posted the following screed to Amazon about a week ago. Within 24 hours -- thanks to many Mystic Friends and Special Angels™ -- it was ranked the #1 "So you'd like to..." guide on the entire Amazon site. And it's still #1 at the time of this blog post. Here's the actual Amazon page. If you too vote YES there, you'll automatically become a member of the highly exclusive MFSA Club. (btw, the previous Mystic-B guide is here.)
So you'd like to... know if you qualify as NewAge++
A guide by Chris Locke,
author-in-progress, Mystic Bourgeoisie
I'd like to ask you to consider a category I've lately been calling NewAge++. It's hard to boil down to a nice brief dictionary definition (I'm working on it), but you'll recognize yourself as a bona fide member of the class if you can relate positively to the following qualifiers.
You're Not New Age Of course not. New Agers believe a lot of silly rubbish about things like tinfoil pyramid hats and crystals and astrological signs. You're way beyond all that. You're intelligent, thoughtful, perceptive. Your friends say you're deep. You got a lot out of Carl Jung's 'Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Vintage)'. You read 'The Power of Myth' after watching that fascinating Bill Moyers special with Joseph Campbell (it almost made the fundraising bearable). You've even looked into Eliade's 'Shamanism'. New Age? No way. You're no dum-dum.
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